Morris Consulting, USA
Boeing Technical Fellow (Retired), BSEE, MSSE
Senior Member IEEE, Member INCOSE
October 31 (Tuesday)
09:00 - 17:00
with one-hour lunch break
Reliability is a major aspect of any product as it affects not only the producer but can grossly affect the consumer. This is particularly true for manned and unmanned applications including such systems as cars, aircraft, manufacturing plants. This presentation provides a high level view of the practical physics that affect the reliability of a variety of parts used in today’s systems using examples found in large and small scale systems. The assessment of various failure mechanisms as applied to specific designs, can aid in identifying what drives failures for those designs and lead to solutions to eliminate or mitigate those failures. Topics include failure mechanisms, failure modes and effects, failure models and identification of tools needed to perform the basic tasks of assessment, allocation, and analysis of the reliability of parts and systems.
About the Speaker
Russell W. Morris, BSEE, MSSE, SM-IEEE, M-INCOSE, Boeing Technical Fellow (Retired) for Reliability
Maintainability and Testability. Russ is currently a consultant for reliability, maintainability and systems
engineering. Russ has over 35 years’ experience in reliability of military and medical systems, and 13 years
of design experience in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound and Broadcast television equipment. He has worked
on projects including one-shot devices, 4 MeV 1000 amp linear accelerators, magnetic plasma confinement,
very low noise broadband amplifiers, video scanner servo systems, non-linear signal compression, digital
subtraction angiography and digital phased array ultrasound signal processing. Russ’ design and reliability
work included military space systems and aircraft, commercial aircraft, Sea Launch, Solar Power Plants,
and unmanned aircraft. Russ’ expertise covers the spectrum of avionics, hydraulics, pneumatics,
flight control, guidance, and signal processing systems. He was a Boeing International trainer, mentor
and coach in RAM topics and a contributor to the Boeing Ed Wells program of technical excellence.
He has written more than 40 internal white papers or other significant corporate documents for Boeing,
published 10 articles and has been an invited speaker at the University of Arizona Colloquium,
University of Washington post Graduate Program, University of Texas-Dallas, Beihang University,
ISSRE, ARS, Boeing Ed Wells, and other forums. He has three patents. He is a past co-chairman for the
SAE G-11 Software Reliability Committee and past Chairman of the Reliability Committee and is a co-author
and reviewer for several of the SAE-JA1000 series of Reliability, Maintainability and Testability
national standards and author and editor of the Boeing Reliability, Maintainability, and Systems Health Standard.
Technical Sponsor
- Key Laboratory of Space Applications, CAS
- Institute of Automation, CAS
- The Twentieth Research Institute, China Electronic Technology Group Corporation
- AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute
- Dalian University of Technology
- Wuhan University of Technology
General Inquiry
Send email to Professor Jinbo Wang