Technically Sponsored by IEEE Reliability Society

Important Notice
- Please click here to view the picture taken in the conference.

DSA 2017 Tutorial
Attendees who participate in the following tutorial will receive a certificate issued by the IEEE Reliability Society and signed by the society’s president.
- A special tutorial on System Reliability by Russ Morris on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 [more...]

DSA 2017 is a combination of the Fourth International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications (TSA) and the Third International Symposium on Dependable Computing and Internet of Things (DCIT). In the past, both TSA and DCIT were technically sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society. Following the same tradition, DSA 2017 also has the same technical sponsorship from IEEE. It is organized by the Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In addition, the conference receives support from Dalian University of Technology and Wuhan University of Technology.
DSA 2017 focuses on innovative methodologies, techniques, tools, management, and applications to produce dependable and trustworthy systems and their applications in a more cost-effective way. It provides a discussion forum to bring together academic researchers, industry practitioners, and government policy and decision makers to exchange ideas and results, share experiences, and explore possible solutions to overcome current challenges.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Algorithms, Architecture, Framework, Design Patterns and Maintenance for Dependable Systems and Software
- Security, Threats, Privacy, Safety, and Risk Management
- Dependability and Reliability Modeling and Measurement
- Fault Tolerance, Survivability, Resilience, and Availability
- Metrics, Measurement, and Quality Assessment
- Requirements, Process, Standards, Productivity, and Project Management
- Quality Assurance, Maintenance, and Reverse Engineering and Re-Engineering
- Verification, Validation, Testing, Analysis, Debugging, Model Checking, and Program Repair
- Formal Methods and Theories
- Communication, Networking, Optimization, and Performance
- Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented, and Clouding Computing
- Collaborative, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time, High Performance, Highly Dependable, Intelligent, Multimedia Systems
- Big Data and Storage
- Prognosties and Health Management
- IoT, Supply Chain, Cyber-physical Systems, Industry 4.0, and Smart City
- Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices
- Applications, Tools, and Automation

Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Papers presented at the conference will also be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore and to all of the A&I (abstracting and indexing) partners (such as the Ei Compendex).

Technical Sponsor
- Key Laboratory of Space Applications, CAS
- Institute of Automation, CAS
- The Twentieth Research Institute, China Electronic Technology Group Corporation
- AVIC Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute
- Dalian University of Technology
- Wuhan University of Technology
General Inquiry
Send email to Professor Jinbo Wang